SIL Program
Admission Requirements
​Young adults who are eligible for admission into Carrie Bell SIL Supervised Independent Living Program are those that meet the following eligibility criteria:
Must be a male or female with a signed extended foster care agreement;
Must be between the ages of 18 and 21;
Must be enrolled in a high school, trade school, and/or post-secondary education program; or full-time employment
Carrie Bell SIL will consider young adults to be ineligible for admission if:
Under the age of 18;
Acts on predatory sexual tendencies;
Currently chemical-dependent;
Currently psychotic;
Has attempted suicide;
Has ever expressed and acted on homicidal tendencies; and/or
Has set fires within the last year.
However, Carrie Bell will review all referrals and make exceptions as necessary after reviewing all available information.
Extended Case
Management Services
​Carrie Bell SIL is equipped and ready to provide ECM services to residents that will need those services. The Carrie Bell SIL will determine at the time of accepting placement if the resident will require ECM services.